Saturday, May 27, 2017

Moon A Mysterious place


Moon, an astronomical body moving around the Earth. We can often see it when the sun sets and the darkness cover the whole sky then moon brings a brightness on earth. It is the inspirational source for many of the poets over times. Men from his early time want to know more and more about an astronomical body which is moving so close to earth and also about its varying sizes and amount of lights. Moon is the fifth largest and second densest natural satellite. Moon is thought to have formed 4.51 billion years. Moon or we can say 'Luna' rotates synchronously with the Earth which is the cause that only one face of the moon is visible to us. It happens due to its same time consumption for both rotation and revolution. Earth takes about 24 hours for a rotation on its on axis but about 365 days for 1 complete revolution. While moon takes 24 hours for both rotation on its own axis and revolution around the Earth. Moon has a gravitational impact on the Earth. It is estimated that after the passage of time(about 50 million years) the Moon would take more time, about 47 days to complete its revolution around the Earth as the distance between Earth and Moon is increasing with respect to time that is 8.3 centimeters annually. Not only quakes on Earth are observed due to the gravitational pull of Moon but also there occurs quakes on Moon due to gravitational interference of Earth. Its is weird that Moon has gravitational pull to cause quakes on Earth but is not able to create atmosphere around it. The first person who reach the surface of moon is Neil Armstrong.

Facts about moon:

Distance to earth: 3,84,400 km.

Radius of moon: 1,737 km.

Gravity : 1.622 m/s square

Volume: 2.1958×1010 km3 (0.020 Earths)

Composition by volume: He, Ne, Na, k, Rn.

Angular diameter: 29.3 to 34.1 arc minutes.

Mysterious things about moon:

 1. In 1972 NASA had sent an Apollo 16 mission on the moon. The live telecast of this mission was shown on the Earth. Very few people know that this live telecast was stop for 2-3 minutes because the astronauts reported that at that time some space ship landed on the moon. They reported that some other creature are also present on the moon. After this mission it started believing that there is a colony of aliens in the moon and they don't want us to go on moon. The strange thing is that after this mission NASA has never sent any spacecraft on moon.

2.  In 2014, a video was uploaded on the internet. In this video a large shadow is shown on the surface of moon. This video became so much popular among the people in one week about 20 lakh users has seen this video. In this video it is shown that at a specific coordinates on the google moon a large shadow can be seen on the surface of moon. It may be the aliens. For further information it is found that the size of that object whose shadow is seen is about 150 feet. NASA always escape to talk about it.

3. A alien base like thing was also seen on the surface of the moon by a satellite launch by the America in 1994. In the photo there were seven lights which were lightning in strange manner. They were not natural in any way. NASA ignored this by saying that it was just the fault of camera nothing else.

These all things show that some unusual is present on the moon and the governing bodies of our societies doesn't want us to see it.




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